This section contains all the terms that make up the technical glossary for purification systems. A dictionary useful to deepen the knowledge of the reference sector and make the choice of your system.
Waste water is the water that, after being used in domestic, industrial and agricultural activities, flows out. They are also called "waste water".
Read allWater purification is the technological system that is created and activated to eliminate polluting substances from liquid and gaseous bodies. It takes place with a process composed of a series of...
Read allWater pollution is an alteration of ecosystems that have water as their fundamental component. It is caused by numerous and different factors, such as direct or indirect discharges of industri...
Read allRedevelopment of a waste water, through adequate purification treatment, in order to make it suitable for distribution for specific re-uses.
Read allAny input of waste water carried out exclusively through a stable collection system that seamlessly connects the production cycle of the waste with the receiving body (surface water, soil, subsoil ...
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